Green Bond ‘Greenium’ Fuels Sustainable Investment in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Region

Published in Report by Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors Premiers., 2021

Recommended citation: Dan Li, Peter Adriaens. (2021). "Green Bond ‘Greenium’ Fuels Sustainable Investment in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Region." Report by Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors Premiers.

Report can be find here

This report is about the green bond premium in the Great Lakes region. My research finds that public bond issuers in the region can lower their borrowing cost by using green bonds. The “greenium” enables governments, utilities and other public agencies to save up to 23 basis points compared to conventional bonds, based on yield spreads in the primary bond market. Investors are increasingly willing to take a discount for green bonds tied to demonstrable environmental outcomes - saving taxpayer money while financing needed improvements.